What Is Product Description Writing?

Product description writing is the process of creating descriptions of products that are accurate, persuasive, and engaging. This involves considering what the product is, its features and benefits, who the target market is, and what tone and style to use in writing. A well-crafted product description can make all the difference in whether or not a customer makes a purchase, so it’s important to take the time to get it right.

What are Product Descriptions?

There’s more to creating a great product listing than meets the eye. To ensure that your product is distinctive from the rest, it’s important to have clear, concise, and creative product descriptions. But what does that entail?

A product description is a marketing tool that can be used to create a demand for a product. They do this by providing potential customers with the information they need to know, such as the product's usefulness, price, and size, to help make a purchase decision.

Product description writing is all about giving customers the appropriate information they need to come up with a buying decision. It involves highlighting the features and benefits of your product while also appealing to consumers on an emotional level. And, since most shoppers now turn to the internet for information about products, it's important to make sure your product description is as detailed and accurate as possible.

Your product description should also be enticing enough to encourage customers to purchase the item while remaining truthful and avoiding hype.

Why is a Product Description So Important?

A product description is a crucial part of the sales process. It is the first chance you have to convince your potential customers that they should buy your product and not someone else’s.

The best product descriptions are concise, informative, and engaging. It is the most crucial page on your entire website. It's the page where you can sell your products, tell customers about your products, and convince them to buy them. The better you describe your product in this section; the more likely a customer will buy it.

They inform the buyer about all they should be aware of regarding the product, minus the wordiness and boredom. They also include a call-to-action that encourages the reader to purchase the item or click through for more information.

The most important thing about a good product description is that it tells your customers what they need to know about your products before deciding whether or not to buy them from you.

Now, you’ve probably understood that product descriptions, if written effectively, can improve conversions and make your brand voice stronger while increasing credibility and SEO. But that’s all from a business point of view.

What about from the customer’s perspective? According to research, 82% of customers agree that product descriptions influence their buying decisions online. Hence it is one of the most significant components of the product page.

At this stage, you want to know how to write the best and most creative descriptions there can be, so the following are some basic guidelines for writing a great product description.

Creating the Best Product Descriptions

1. Research

Research is the first step in writing; be it technical writing or fictional, you need to research a few things first.

  • Tone – will you address your customers using a formal or a casual tone? Also, which means will you make use of?
  • Customer – who is your customer?
  • Need – why would a prospect need your product?
  • Expectations – what kind of expectations would they have from your product, and will you be able to meet them?
  • Usage – when, where, and how will your customers use your product?
  • Experience – what other information can help enhance the customers’ experience?

The above questions will not only help you better convey your product but also better understand your customers and how you can enhance their experience while improving customer care.

While it may be easy to assess your product and services via these questions and also easy to highlight the benefits and features of your product, it may not be as easy to know your audience, which is why the next point discusses how you can know your customers better, the language they speak and how to address them.

2. Getting to Know Your Audience

The most crucial element of a compelling and creative product description is knowing the customers. And the first move to understanding your audience is developing a buyer’s profile. Developing the persona of your prospects can help your whole team operate more productively. Creating a buyer persona will help you understand what the customer is looking for and what they prioritize so you can frame your product description accordingly.

For instance, if your product is a pair of high-end, expensive, and professional headphones, you can expect your audience to be different from the audience of a gaming pair of headphones or a designer pair of headphones. Hence knowing the intention of your customers and the motivation that makes them purchase a product will help and impact how you position your product and write a product description.

If you operate in a specific niche, it is already very easy to target your audience and focus on them because the boundaries have been defined; however, if you operate in such a market that is boundaryless and is vast, its best to avoid using technical jargon.

3. Emphasize the Benefits

While a compelling product description includes both benefits and features, the emphasis remains on the benefits. Many people may get confused between features and benefits, so in layman’s terms, benefits are how your product or service can solve the problems of your customers, while features may be more straightforward. Benefits make creative product descriptions because it aims to make your audience understand your product.

Using positive adjectives in the product description can also attract customers while justifying your product. For example, if the pair of headphones you sell maybe a bit more expensive than competitor headphones, highlighting features like the elegance of design, remarkable sound quality, and superb tonal balance can help justify your price point and reflect it on your tone.

A product description isn’t a place to market your product and justify it, but also by using the correct keywords and relevant texts, your product page can remain optimized for search engines. In return, your page can achieve a higher rank on the result page of a search engine. This is what we will be talking about next.

4. Optimize for Improved Ranking

If you have written an effective and creative product description, it is enough to attract traffic on its own. Even then, it is still very crucial to keep up with SEO and use the correct keywords.

Apart from credibility and authenticity, reviews improve the SEO of your product page, which eventually benefits your product pages and bumps up the rankings of your product page in the results of a search engine. Among many benefits of reviews, the biggest ones remain; constant update of new content on the product page and addition of relevant keywords.

And with relevant keywords comes an enhanced SEO, which will benefit your page and increase organic traffic.

5. Telling a Story

One of the most effective and efficient ways to engage and connect with your customers is storytelling. Also, be certain that you touch the emotional side while you're doing so.

Emotions sell; they inspire people to take the call of action required. As taught in business school, babies and dogs sell. However, you can ethically or possibly use babies or dogs to sell; the gist is to target emotions.

Even if you are the most rational person on the entire planet, your pain point stays to be emotions. And when once you’ve served the customer with emotions in your story, simultaneously present them with the call to action. This will help you derive optimal results.

6. Easy to Read

Not one likes reading long paragraphs filled with long sentences, especially product descriptions. In the case of product descriptions, people like to skim through them. It’s best to frame your product description such that it’s easy to skim through while highlighting USP and focal features and benefits.

One of the best ways to make the product’s description reader-friendly is by keeping it short, straightforward, and creative, all while adding bullet points.

Dotty Fish is a compelling product description example. They painted an excellent picture of their product in the product description while keeping it easy to skim through by keeping it short, straightforward, and bulleted.

It is crucial to mention all essential features and benefits in the bullet points, even if already mentioned in paragraphs. At times, people tend to skip paragraphs and go straight to bullet points, as they are easier to skim through.

7. Visualize

Product descriptions are just about texts, paragraphs, and bullets; who would have guessed that you could also visualize your product description with pictures. While images may lack words, they still do answer customer queries.

And one thing that you must keep in mind is the images’ alt text; they should be SEO optimized as well because they are as much crucial for the SEO of your page as the text.

Make as much use of images as possible because they captivate the readers’ attention and can educate them regarding your product even better than long paragraphs or bulleted points.

8. Be Exceptional

The best-known practice on how to write a product description is keeping your content concise and straightforward; even though this is the best practice, you need to keep your customers’ preferences at top priority. If your audience doesn’t like this practice, you must adjust your content to cater to their liking. All industries and businesses are unique in their manner. However, you must first get to understand your customers and what sort of content attracts them.

Research and publish such content that they find attractive and important, present such benefits or features that they are looking for. If you have developed a buyer’s persona, that can come in handy here because creating their profile will help you answer many questions about your customers and what sort of content they enjoy.

Where to Start with Product Description Writing: How In-Depth Should You Go?

Now that you’re already aware of all the elements a good product description includes and are certain about writing the best product description, you must conclude how long you want your product description to be. This can further add effectiveness to your creative product description.

1. Assess the Product

Start by thoroughly evaluating your product, take a deep-down look to know how in-depth would you be required to go with the product description.

Is the product you’re selling a simple and plain one that doesn’t require the buyer to think a lot, for instance, a t-shirt or a hairpin? Or is the product complicated, including many features and variations, plus requires a huge investment, like a car or an expensive professional camera?

Can the buyer understand the product at one glance, or does it require them to perform in-depth research? Answering these questions can help you assess how long a product description you should write.

Needless to say, which kind of product would require more description and explanation. However, you must also consider your buyers’ understanding and level of comprehension.

If you’re selling a professional camera to a photographer, a short product description will suffice; however, if you’re selling the same camera to a 60-year-old man, you would require to go deep down, explaining every feature in detail and simple language.

The length of your copy depends upon two essential elements; the product and the buyers’ knowledge about the product.

2. From the Product Description, Assess the Needs of the Buyer

After determining the knowledge of your buyer, by now, you must know what your buyers don’t know.

You must feed your buyers with the knowledge they don’t know to make the purchase decision. You’ll have to research the questions that will pop up in the customers’ minds before they’re confident enough to click checkout.

A few essential points to add to your product description include:

  • How do the product look and the feel of it?
  • What experience would the product provide to the user?
  • How much does the product weigh, what are its size and dimensions?
  • The materials and ingredients used in the manufacturing of the product
  • The origin of the product
  • How can the buyer make use of the product? Instructions and manual.
  • How long can the buyer expect the product to last?
  • How will the product age?

These essential pointers will help add information to the product description that your buyers don’t know about.

3. Go in-Depth or Brief, Based on Your Findings

This part of the guide depends upon your findings because every business, industry, and customers are distinctive, like every product. The following pointer can help guide you regarding the length of the product description.

  • In case your findings suggest that the buyer isn’t well aware of your product, you should go for a longer product description.
  • If the product you’re offering seems a bit complicated for the average customer, opt for a long product description.
  • However, if your product is familiar to your customer, you can go for a concise and straightforward product description.
  • But if the product you’re offering is pretty simple and not so complex or expensive, you may go for a product description that isn’t too long or too concise either; instead, go for a balance.
  • And if you’re still confused between the two, you can always experiment with both, and based on the results, that is, boosted leads and conversion, you can opt for the one providing better results.

Go Big or Go Home

In a nutshell, it is vital to get to know your audience, to produce content they like, and the best way to determine that is through increased conversion rates. A creative product description may work for many businesses; however, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

You must also focus on the visuals by adding good quality, informative, and optimized graphics. Moreover, it would be best if you also improve your SEO by incorporating correct and high-ranked keywords to boost organic traffic.

Building credibility and trust is the key but varies from product to product.

Visuals and content should be thought of since the start of the construction of your website so that you can sell your story to customers later on. While there may be vast samples of product descriptions online, you have to go with the one that your customers resonate with.

Product description writing is the process of creating product descriptions for sales on the web. This can involve writing copy that will appear on a product’s listing page and writing product descriptions for marketing materials and company websites. A product description aims to inform potential buyers regarding the product and influence them to buy it.

To make your product description writing more effective, you'll need to understand your target audience and what they're looking for. You'll also need to acquaint yourself with the product itself and the features that make it unique. The key remains in knowing your customers and products to come up with engaging content.

We’ve covered some great tips regarding product description writing. However, if you still find it difficult to find out how to write a product description, you may get in touch with Writing Services Hub. All you have to do is to share your requirements with them, and they will craft the best product descriptions for you. Their team of professional writers is talented and they come with a lot of experience.

Your project will be in safe hands. Get in touch today!
